Off Market Properties + Accurate Data = RealList Leads
  • 1-888-555-1212
  • 399 Campus Dr. Somerset, NJ

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Are you tired of the lead list merry-go-round? You search for leads…you find a list that you THINK will get you results…you get excited (this time WILL be different, afterall)…you have your list of addresses…and then NOTHING! The list is flat and you don’t make any contact with motivated sellers. We’ve been there too. We were tired of the lead list merry-go-round, so we did something to stop it.

ReaList Leads is the proven way to find and acquire more leads. The difference is in the skip tracing. With ReaList Leads, you not only get MORE leads, you get MORE information including: addresses, photos, phone numbers, and email addresses. We have spent thousands of hours generating our leads and getting the correct owner information, all to save you time and money!

The process is simple. First, click on the county you want your leads to come from, then choose the number of leads you would like to generate and the specific zip codes from which to pull. Once you submit your entry, a specialist will get back to you very soon.

Don’t waste another second on the lead list merry-go-round. With With ReaList Leads, get the results you have been waiting for.

Atlantic Bergen Burlington Camden CapeMay Cumberland Essex Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Middlesex Monmouth Morris Ocean Passaic Salem Somerset Sussex Union Warren