Off Market Properties + Accurate Data = RealList Leads
  • 1-888-555-1212
  • 399 Campus Dr. Somerset, NJ

Realist Leads Maximizer

Stand high above the rest...Increase the conversion rate of your real estate leads by up to 50% above the industry average.

Increase Your Conversion

Outperform your competition, save time prospecting, and convert more sales! Retaining agents while trying to scale your business is a challenge. We’ve been there and we understand. With Realist Lead Source, focus on what matters most to Brokers and deliver what means the most to Agents. Seller leads that convert let your agents do what they do best...SELL HOMES!


Realist Leads Maximizer

Stand high above the rest...Increase the conversion rate of your real estate leads by up to 50% above the industry average.


Increase Your Conversion

Outperform your competition, save time prospecting, and convert more sales! Retaining agents while trying to scale your business is a challenge. We’ve been there and we understand. With Realist Lead Source, focus on what matters most to Brokers and deliver what means the most to Agents. Seller leads that convert let your agents do what they do best...SELL HOMES!

Get Pre Qualified Leads Delivered Directly to You, Ready to Distribute to Your Agents.

We take the time to screen your leads and deliver them to the right agent for the job…freeing up your time and energy.


We discover motivated sellers by using our own proprietary technology, mining through thousands of data points to get you the very best leads.


Our in-house team speaks directly to the Home Owners for you. We discuss their circumstances to determine their level of motivation to sell.


Your agents are matched with a motivated seller. We even help coordinate the conversation.

Our Process

How Realist Lead Source Works

Gather Leads

We find motivated sellers by gathering 30 specific motivation factors, filtered by location.

Prospecting Leads

We run the sellers through our software to locate prospects with the most motivation factors. These are proven to be the people who are most likely to sell.

Skip Trace Leads

We Skip Trace each qualified lead, gathering key contact information like phone number, email address, and mailing address. We use this information to reach out to them directly, saving you the time and hassle of cold calling.

Nurture Leads

Our team calls the homeowners and speaks with them about their specific circumstances and motivation to sell.

Pre-Qualify Leads

We prequalify the seller and coordinate the next call with the Real Estate Agent.

Assign Leads

Our transaction coordinator uploads the information to the Lead Sheet Matrix and sends notification to the Agent assigned to those types of leads.

Want to Learn More?

Request a Realist Leads Maximizer demo now.