Off Market Properties + Accurate Data = RealList Leads
  • 1-888-555-1212
  • 399 Campus Dr. Somerset, NJ

About Us

We are a passionate group of real estate investors who are experts at creating systems to solve the most common problems in the industry. We combine niche technology with a keen understanding of the business, in order to drive positive influence in the real estate space.

Over the years, we have come to realize that our successes are in direct correlation with the data we are able to gather and aggregate. The more reliable and accurate the source…the greater likelihood for a successful outcome.

As domain experts in tax and sheriff sale investing, we go directly to the source of information and implement ways to analyze the data with more accuracy than our competitors.

We have developed our own proprietary software to help us mine through thousands of data points, finding the right leads for any real estate market. Our methods for capturing, categorizing, and cross referencing data eliminates the stale leads, resulting in a list full of qualified prospects. We know the intricacies of the industry. We know that the data for a real estate investor is different than the data a broker or agent may need. With Realist Leads, you get the leads you need, not a generic list.

Realist Leads offers a unique approach to finding the right prospects for your business. We use a combination of cold calling, SMS messaging, and direct mailing to make contact with your prospects. Combined with PPC and SEO, we capture leads at a lower cost by narrowing our target and avoiding the shotgun approach of calling thousands of unmotivated people. Real leadsreal results…with Realist Leads!